It’s Been A While

   When I first published Leah’s Garden I followed most of the advice that was given by more experienced authors in the self-publishing industry. I opened a Facebook profile, a Goodreads profile, an Amazon Author profile and created a website. Many authors advised me to write a blog. From the beginning I decided not to limit my subject matter to writing and literature, which is why I decided to call my blog Books and Stuff. Thus I wrote several blogs; a few about writing and a few subjects which I am passionate about. I admit a blog is a gratifying endeavor. I can basically talk about any subject and express my opinion without anyone interrupting me. People can like it or not, read it or not.

You Cannot Hide Yourself

   A blog is also kind of scary. You are putting yourself out there for all of the world to see. That is, if the blogger is honest. Maybe that is a good thing. I don’t mind people knowing my philosophy of life. I am me and that is all I know how to be. But back to my blog. If you look at my blog list you will see that I have not made an entry in many months. This is not because I was afraid to keep writing a blog or lacked sufficient subject matter. The main reason was that I was simply spending too much time writing one and when I started my next novel ( the one I am working on now) I could not justify taking time away from that to write a blog. This book has taken a tremendous amount of research and I made the decision to concentrate solely on my novel.

I Will Try To Do Better

   As I work on this book, tentatively titled, Taliama, which is a small fictional town in Oklahoma, I probably won’t post my blog very often, but I will try to check in and perhaps post updates. I am a slow author. I cannot churn out a novel once or twice a year like so many other Amazon Authors. I hope to have Taliama finished by next fall, but I will try to post a blog every so often and give more updates on my Facebook author page, for those of you who are interested.

   I appreciate all of you who have supported me and purchased and read Leah’s Garden.


1 thought on “To Blog, Or Not To Blog, That Is The Question

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